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YBR Publishing, LLC is the premiere services publisher of the South Carolina Lowcountry, including current and future authors as far as as Arkansas, Tennessee, and London, England! Based in Ridgeland, South Carolina, YBR is a multi-genre publisher with 13 5-star award-winning novels and children's books in its library! Visit them at Especially review YBR's highest-selling novel DRIFTWOOD UNMASKED and top-selling educational coloring book WHERE IN THE WORLD IS THE CANAL ZONE.


Today, Experience the Beauty of Panama through Al Sprague Art.



Al Sprague (December 21, 1938-) is an American and Panamanian artist of popular realistic subjects that he portrays in multiple mediums of art including drawings, paintings, and bronzes. He was the civilian combat artist for “Operation Just Cause,” a United States military incursion into the Republic of Panama in 1989 to remove the dictator, Manuel Noriega. He is also noted for his depictions of the operations of the Panama Canal and the country and people of Panama.

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